Friday, March 20, 2015

Electronic fetal monitoring

To confirm what we already knew....  this article came out in OB/GYN news showing that the FHR tracing is not usually indicative of fetal brain injury.  I'm really curious to see how this research develops in the future.   Unless we find something better, it's all we have. And it is the standard of care.

Check out the article here.

I think I have a few more posts coming up.  That's all for now!

Monday, February 23, 2015


Well, hello there!

This isn't my first time getting a blog going, but it is with a different purpose.  I'm currently an ob/gyn resident, which I love and am quite passionate about. However, it by no means is my only identity.  This blog will probably be a conglomeration of various topics, and maybe become more focused one day on one particular topic.

Expect to see a mix of medical topics, as well as random entertaining ideas, DIY home projects, recipes for tasty or specialty diet foods and a special bit devoted to coffee!

I love hanging in coffeeshops. I spent most of my time in medical school studying in them, and I found one while in residency that I just love to death! I'm basically a walking billboard for them, because I want to support them and want them to do well because they serve the best coffee EVER and contribute positively to the community. And all the baristas are super friendly and know my name!

I'm finishing up ob/gyn residency in a few months. As I've grown into my adult medical self, I have become more opinionated about some things. Many of these are things that are misconstrued in media. I want to be a sane, calm voice of reason to bring truth and fairness to the table.

I enjoy baking and love food of all kinds! But I also want to live past 55, so I'm trying to lean more towards a clean eating diet, some paleo, and for a recently diagnosed celiac friend of mine, exploring gluten-free options for fun.  So you may see some recipes pop up here!

Currently, I am a homeowner and hoping to get my house in tip top shape for selling. When I move to my next job, I want to buy a "fixer upper" kind of house.  It's been fun doing some little (and not so little) DIY projects at home. You might see some of that too!

I try to avoid the "crazy" title but I am a cat lover. Mostly a cute and cuddly animal lover.  I have 3 cats and they are hilariously entertaining. Also, my boyfriend has 2 dogs and so that makes a fun filled house when they all get together!

I truly could go on and on and on. But these are a few of my favorite things... and  I'm sure all sorts of things will get thrown in,  among the many areas of life I mentioned above. So, buckle up and get ready for a ride that may take you to some unexpected places!

I hope you enjoy reading!